White Harmony

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Harmonious combination of three colors in one bouquet: white, bard and purple. In this composition florists tried to combine two flowers: rose and tulip. Also to the bouquet, as a decoration, eucalyptus was added to achieve not only external harmony, but also a unique pleasant aroma. The white harmony speaks of your admiration respect for the person to whom you are going to present the bouquet as a gift. Also purple, a very rare tulip is a sign of loyalty and devotion to the addressee. It is believed that the brighter and thicker the color of the tulip, the stronger your devotion and affection for the recipient.

This gift is perfect for a wedding reception or any other event.

White box aquarium with red roses, black tulips and eucalyptus photo
White box aquarium with red roses, black tulips and eucalyptus photo
White box aquarium with red roses, black tulips and eucalyptus photo
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