Bouquet with Blue Hydrangea

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An astonishing floral composition featuring a rare flower at its center: the blue hydrangea. This flower holds multiple meanings, symbolizing refinement and good taste in some countries, while in others, it represents warmth and benevolence, believed to ward off troubles and misfortunes. The composition also includes a white rose and carnation – symbols of love and admiration for the recipient, eustoma and aspidistra – representing care and a positive relationship towards the recipient, along with a green chrysanthemum. A rare flower that symbolizes youth, beauty, and happiness. Anthurium, a light decorative element or the 'flower of youth,' as it is often called.

This bouquet is meant to be given as a present and a wish. It will protect the individual or even the entire family to whom you present the bouquet. It will preserve peace, family comfort, and provide warmth, as well as a wonderful mood every morning to the person you order it for.

Bouquet of Cream Bush Roses, White Eustoma, White Calla Lily, Blue Hydrangeas, Aspidistra, Green Carnations, and Chrysanthemums - Photo
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