Bouquet of bush roses wrapped in pink paper

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Florists say: if you give a person more than 11 bush roses, it means you want to express your love and adoration to them. In our bouquet, there are 19 of them. The red rose is a symbol of loyalty, love, and passion. Red roses are also traditionally given to people with heroic character and great inner strength.

The flower bud holds great significance. If it has not yet bloomed, it means you have recently met the person, but already feel respect and sympathy for them. However, a fully bloomed bud, radiating vibrant colors, indicates that your friendship (love), trust - are unbreakable, and the bond between you is very strong. Typically, florists use both types to express words of gratitude and loyalty to the recipient through the language of flowers.

The bouquet is also perfect for showing respect to a relative, close friend, parents, newlyweds at a wedding, and even a young mother who has invited you to the christening of her newborn baby.

Bush rose

Bouquet of bush roses wrapped in pink paper photo
Bouquet of bush roses wrapped in pink paper photo
Bouquet of bush roses wrapped in pink paper photo
Bouquet of bush roses wrapped in pink paper photo
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