Bouquet of bush roses wrapped in turquoise paper

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It is commonly believed that the color red symbolizes passion and sincere love for the object of adoration. While this is true, it's only partially so.

Nineteen stems of bush roses can be given not only to a beloved woman but also to a mother, sister, or niece as a sign of respect. In ancient times, such bouquets were given to people who were admired, whether women or men, famous personalities, or ordinary people, it didn't matter. The bouquet itself symbolizes adoration. This is literally shouted by the scarlet fresh roses in the language of flowers.

Also, the red rose was considered a symbol of bravery. It was often presented as a gift to the heroes of Ancient Rome, to people capable of great deeds.

This gift can be ordered for someone to whom you would like to express your love and sincere appreciation.

Bouquet of bush roses wrapped in turquoise paper photo
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