Basket with carnations and chrysanthemums (made to order, 2 days)

Product ID: 1524
2211 MDL

A whole basket of red carnations, as well as white chrysanthemums arranged in the form of a funeral wreath – specially created by florists for a funeral event, to honor the memory of the deceased. Since ancient times, carnations and chrysanthemums have been placed on the graves of warriors and people of outstanding abilities. It was believed that these flowers emphasize their status and are also evidence that the person lived a worthy life, full of events and interesting, kind moments. Also included in the bouquet is eucalyptus – it speaks of your kindness and sorrow. The composition will properly convey your sadness, as well as respect for the one who has passed away."

white chrysanthemum, red carnation, eucalyptus

Basket with carnations and chrysanthemums (made to order, 2 days) photo
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