Beige box with white roses

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Beige and white colors are classics. They symbolize not only purity, light, positivity, but also testify to the perfect taste of the one who gives such a bouquet.

The bouquet consists of 21 white roses in a beautiful elegant gift wrapping. White roses are a symbol of loyalty, as well as admiration for the person to whom you present a gift. It is white roses that symbolize sincere, untainted, strong love and friendship. They are often given by sons and daughters to their mothers, relatives - newlyweds for weddings, men - to their favorite women. It is interesting that in ancient Greece white petals decorated the bride at the wedding to emphasize her innocence, purity and chastity.

Such a gift is appropriate for any occasion: wedding, kumetria, birthday, declaration of love, corporate compliment. Bouquet is ideal as a sign of attention, if, for example, you were unable to attend the event, but you want to express your gratitude to a person. Your beautiful gesture will be appreciated.

Beige box with white roses photo
Beige box with white roses photo
Beige box with white roses photo
Beige box with white roses photo
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