Levenhuk 740T Trinocular Microscope.

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Certainly! Here's the translation of the product description into English:

"Levenhuk 740T Microscope is an excellent choice for both home and professional laboratories. It is convenient to work with for both novice researchers and experienced biologists who conduct experiments frequently. The advantage of this model lies in its capability to perform bacteriological and cytological research, as well as the examination of transparent samples that are visible in transmitted light.

With the help of the trinocular head, you can attach cameras to later display the results on a laptop or computer screen. This allows multiple people to observe the experiment simultaneously. If you used to face the risk of changing lighting conditions constantly, that is now a thing of the past. You won't need to rotate the microscope in different directions for everyone to carefully study the object. Simply turn the head in the desired direction, as it has a 45-degree inclination.

Similar to previous models, Levenhuk 740T features LED illumination with adjustable brightness and an Abbe condenser with an iris diaphragm. This system ensures complete illumination of the microscopic specimen, and the light does not distort the image even at high magnifications. It's worth noting that the illumination works excellently when powered from the mains.

As for the stage, it has a metal clamp and a coordinate scale for vertical movement during transitions from one person to another. This allows you to continue your observation without interruption. To focus the specimen, it is strongly recommended to use the knob located on the body, which has a scale for precision and sharpness adjustments. You can modify these settings when needed.

Speaking of advantages, Levenhuk 740T allows magnification in the range of 50x to 2000x. You can change the magnification at any time by simply rotating the revolving device during observation. Regarding the accessories, it's worth mentioning that the microscope comes with interchangeable eyepieces – 10x and 20x. There is also a vial of immersion liquid, allowing for the immersion method of examination.

If you haven't conducted anything similar before, now you have an excellent opportunity to do so. We are confident that after this experiment, you will be thoroughly impressed!

Levenhuk 740T Trinocular Microscope. photo
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