Levenhuk Rainbow 50L PLUS Lime Microscope

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If you enjoy exploring the world around you, you're probably familiar with the Levenhuk Rainbow 50L model. However, today we'll talk about the 50L PLUS microscope, which has already become a favorite for many. It's worth noting that it comes in a more durable housing, making it suitable for frequent use. Unlike previous models that often showed signs of wear and scratches after a year of use, this model won't exhibit such issues!

Notably, the Levenhuk Rainbow 50L PLUS features an eyepiece tube that tilts at a 45-degree angle. The ability to rotate around its axis allows you to turn the eyepiece in the desired direction without moving the microscope. This is very convenient, especially if you've already started exploring materials.

This model is suitable for indoor and outdoor use, thanks to the fact that the illumination can work on regular batteries available in any store. However, if you happen to take the microscope with you on a trip, it's highly recommended to check the power voltage in that country. Some countries have different standards, and using a special converter is advised to avoid potential issues.

The package also includes pre-prepared samples that are fascinating to study. Additionally, there are a few attachments that allow you to create your own specimens. This is incredibly engaging, especially if you conduct experiments with friends or family. It's worth mentioning that the set includes a manual with detailed information about the device. Working with the Levenhuk Rainbow 50L PLUS is very convenient, making it suitable even for primary school students.

If you're unsure about creating microscopic specimens, the developer's tips will guide you through the process step by step. You can also find descriptions of experiments conducted previously, and the results can genuinely surprise or even shock you.

The convenience of the model is further emphasized by its sale in a special plastic case. This allows you to take it with you on vacation or to class. The sturdy casing provides reliable protection against mechanical impact and dust. Choosing the Levenhuk Rainbow 50L PLUS as a gift, you can be confident that the recipient will be delighted! And the pleasant price will undoubtedly surprise you.

Levenhuk Rainbow 50L PLUS Lime Microscope photo
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