The Nymph

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Who is a nymph? An ancient Greek goddess of unearthly beauty, who dwelled in the forest and hid from people amidst the thickets of nature. No one knows what she looked like, but legends tell us about the flowers the goddess loved. Of course, roses. They reflect the essence of female capriciousness, beauty, and innocence. Florists know this, so in a bouquet named after the goddess, they have arranged roses of different colors and shades: white, pink, and red. All these flowers express sincere admiration for the person you will gift them to. Also included in the composition are calla lilies - a symbol of a strong family life, tulips - a sign of purity, eucalyptus - a symbol of care, anthurium and hydrangea - flowers that bring warmth and charge a person with positive energy.

A special bouquet for a special woman, one who reminds you of a goddess and possesses all her virtues.

red rose, white rose, pink rose, calla lily, tulip, eucalyptus, anthurium, hydrangea

The Nymph photo
The Nymph photo
The Nymph photo
The Nymph photo
The Nymph photo
The Nymph photo
The Nymph photo
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