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The very name of the bouquet speaks about love, but since the composition is created from white roses in combination with gypsophila, this love is versatile. You can give a bouquet to your favorite woman, and you can express your admiration to the dearest person in the world - mom. You can give it to relatives or friends for a birthday, a bouquet for a wedding reception is ideal. It speaks of purity, recognition, admiration and open heart of the one who presents the gift.

In addition, a rich combination of "expensive" shades: white, beige, green and pale yellow will indicate that you have an amazing taste in the choice of flowers.

13 white roses



Bouquet of white roses, gypsophila, eucalyptus in gold paper photo
Bouquet of white roses, gypsophila, eucalyptus in gold paper photo
Bouquet of white roses, gypsophila, eucalyptus in gold paper photo
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