Levenhuk Skyline BASE 100S Telescope

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With the Levenhuk Skyline BASE 100S telescope, you can explore all the cosmic depths and more! The optical capabilities even allow you to view objects in the Messier catalog - stars, nebulae, the Moon, scattered clusters and galaxies. It can be said that this telescope is a universal telescope, but despite this, the cosmos looks great in it. Beginning astronomers can easily figure out how to work with this model. The main advantage of Levenhuk Skyline BASE 100S is that it comes with all the necessary equipment.

On the surface, the telescope stands thanks to an aluminum and durable tripod. By the way, you can use it on uneven surfaces, adjusting the height of the leg. For ease of use, the telescope has a small tray in which you can put sky maps, eyepieces, clock, compass and more. Two eyepieces are present in the kit - small magnification (35x) and large (175x).

So, if you need to point the telescope at an object, you will not need the manual. Azimuthal mount is very similar to a simple tripod. In this case, you just need to point the optical tube at the object, and set the sharpness. Even a preschooler can cope with this task, as everything is very simple.


Azimuthal mount
Easy to use
You can study the Moon and the solar system
The presence of two eyepieces, which reveal the full capabilities of the telescope

Aluminum tripod
Optical tube
Two eyepieces
Optical finder
Warranty card
Instructions for use

Levenhuk Skyline BASE 100S Telescope photo
Levenhuk Skyline BASE 100S Telescope photo
Levenhuk Skyline BASE 100S Telescope photo
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