Levenhuk SkyMatic 127 GT MAK Telescope

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Despite its powerful capabilities, the Levenhuk SkyMatic 127 GT MAK is a very compact telescope that allows you to see images in good quality. Thanks to it, you can observe all the details located on the discs of planets and lunar surfaces. With different eyepieces, you can even observe star clusters. The telescope's equipped mount allows you to capture all of this on video and share it with friends. It can be confidently said that the Levenhuk SkyMatic 127 GT MAK is an excellent solution for all astronomy enthusiasts, even for those who are just starting to get interested in it.

Speaking of the telescope's capabilities, it is worth noting that controlling the azimuth mount is very simple. Everything is done through the control panel, which features the SynScan AZ system. Remarkably, you won't need specific knowledge to explore the night sky since the telescope can do it all for you. It's worth mentioning that the controller's database contains necessary information about the coordinates and properties of around 40,000 objects. Additionally, the telescope can be connected to a computer or laptop.

The kit includes eyepieces that allow magnification up to 150x. All lenses are made of glass, resulting in good multilayer coating. In this model, the eyepiece diameter is 1.25" (31.75 mm), but you can also use other eyepieces available for sale. With them, the magnification can reach up to 250x.

However, it's essential to consider that capturing astronomical objects for a long exposure should only be done if you set it on an equatorial wedge. This ensures the clearest possible image.

Features of the Levenhuk SkyMatic 127 GT MAK:

  • Extensive set of accessories
  • Perfect solution for those who want to explore the distant and near cosmos
  • Azimuth mount with auto-guidance, making it very convenient to use
Levenhuk SkyMatic 127 GT MAK Telescope photo
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