Levenhuk Skyline BASE 60T Telescope

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With the Levenhuk Skyline BASE 60T telescope you can explore the cosmos and all earthly objects. The advantage of this device is that it is easy to use, so the child will easily understand how to use it. Plus the telescope has good optical characteristics, so it is perfect for astronomical observations.

All optical elements consist of optical glass and they are protected by an anti-reflective layer. Thanks to the optics, clear and contrasting images are obtained. The child can study the moon at high magnification, and craters with a diameter of 8 kilometers can even be seen.

Thanks to the optical seeker with a fivefold magnification, you can easily navigate all astronomical objects. And in order to have a precise orientation, the alt - azimuthal mount is used. All necessary accessories are already in the kit. Buying a telescope Levenhuk Skyline BASE 60T, you get more diagonal mirror, which can correct distorted images, aluminum tripod with a tray, adjustable in height, two eyepieces -175x and 35x, an additional tray, manual and warranty card.

Speaking of the advantages of the telescope it should be noted that it is easy to use, so it is a great gift for a beginner or a child. Glass optics is covered with anti-reflective, due to which the picture is clear and colorful. With Levenhuk Skyline BASE 60T telescope you can easily explore the cosmos, learning about all its secrets.

Levenhuk Skyline BASE 60T Telescope photo
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